Join the Conversation!

Monthly Conversations
4th Tuesday of each month
12:00 - 1:00PM

Members and future members are invited to join the conversation! Share your tips and stories, ask advice from your peers and connect with others who are passionate about the same things.

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With generous support from

Board Meetings

The AzSBHA Board meets virtually the second Friday of each month at noon. Contact [email protected] or use the form below for details on how to attend. All members are welcome.


"*" indicates required fields

Annual Meeting

At the end of each year, we convene to discuss AzSBHA’s work, consider strategies for providing school-based and school-linked services, and receive input on the direction of our work.

Agendas include:

  • Keynote speakers
  • Special topics
  • Panelists
  • Discussions
  • Business meeting
  • And more!